HDMI …Oh how I love you!!!

HDMI …Oh how I love you!!!

As a long time user and abuser of tech and electronics, I have collected many many boxes of  RCA cables, Component Cables, Power Adapters, fiber optic cable, s-video cables and  and other miscellaneous Vga and DVI cables. Connecting new devices, be it computers, consoles, or Streaming devices, has always been an exercise in frustration.  First you have to find an open channel so you can have sound, then hope that the channel can be associated with a corresponding composite or component connection for the video. If there are no more video connections, then you need to find one on the TV hopefully.. and then STILL try to get sound to your receiver.. It was a freaking nightmare.. Even with a small number of devices, it can quickly end up being a tangled mess.

I had originally decided with this move, to simplify the number of devices connected to the home’s primary TV. I purchased an HDMI centric Yamaha Receiver. It had a good number of HDMI connections, but still had legacy connections.


I was going to simplify life by having a ROKU for all the streaming channels and one Xbox for gaming and DVDs. Finally a PC for web streaming the ROKU can’t handle. The PC also had a Blu-ray drive in it.

So instead of various RCA cables and fiber optics connecting things up, I route all the HDMI outputs from my devices to the new Yamaha receiver I got. Then one cable to the TV. So simple, So easy.

I had to invest in a newer receiver to implement my HDMI upgrade, but it was totally worth it.Configuration is simple and Switching is easy. This was a worthwhile upgrade.


What are your thoughts?